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Re: latin verb examples and tense meanings

From:Thomas R. Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Thursday, January 20, 2000, 22:49
Nik Taylor wrote:

> Raymond Brown wrote: > > another, much as I say 'have got' and, I guess, Nik says 'have gotten'. > > I use both, actually. :-) Have got = have, as in "I've got a book" or > "You've gotta be kidding"; have gotten = have received as in "I've > gotten a lot of e-mail from this list" :-)
As would most Americans, I'd think. But in my speech, the "have" in "have got" is entirely eliminated in almost all cases, showing up only in the inflected form "has" as in "he's gotta go" (never "he has gotta go"). For all other forms, "have got" as a modal is reduced to "gotta". I rarely if ever say "he's got" in the sense of "have". ====================================== Tom Wier <artabanos@...> ICQ#: 4315704 AIM: Deuterotom Website: <> "Cogito ergo sum, sed credo ergo ero." ======================================