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Re: The Melting

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 11:17
I *am* an American.  I have green-grey-brown eyes and
chestnut hair.  But just try telling that to my
students.  Students I have taught for three years.  In
their minds I still have blue eyes and "yellow" hair
simply because I am an American and ALL Americans have
blue eyes and "yellow" hair.  And all Americans are

Your second question simply shows your ignorance of
The Way Things Are(tm).  All foreigners with blue eyes
and "yellow" hair are Americans (It matters not one
whit if you were born in Finland and hold a Finish
passport).  All foreigners with Asian features are

The fact that you can question the order of the
universe in such a way simply shows that you have
never lived in Taiwan.

Adam who now accepts The Way Things Are(tm)

--- Joseph Fatula <fatula3@...> wrote:
> From: "Adam Walker" <carrajena@...> > Subject: Re: The Melting > > > > everyone > > KNOWS that all Americans have blue eyes (and > yellow > > hair and are fat) and of course all foreigners are > > either American or Japanese. > > Why would people think Americans have blue eyes and > yellow hair? I could > understand it if most Americans looked that way, but > blue eyes & yellow hair > is rather uncommon. I'm not sure I even know anyone > like that. > > I think knowing where you're from to make this > statement would help. And > what do you mean about all foreigners being American > or Japanese?


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>