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Re: a question about names

From:John Leland <lelandconlang@...>
Date:Sunday, October 3, 2004, 2:07
In a message dated 9/30/04 1:16:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
naranoieati@BECKERSCARSTEN.DE writes:

<< I decided that names can be used for
 both genders, except it has some rests of the words for
 "boy" and "girl" in it, which makes it automatically
 gendered, >>
This is roughly true of some,not all ,Rihana-ye names.  Thery tend to end in
-ba (man) or -ka (woman).  In one relatively recent conhistorical example, as
readers may have noticed,  thereare two rulers named Pitikiba and Pitikika,
literally "Hot High Kind Man" and "Hot High Kind Woman"--though "hot" here
really indicates "southern" and "high" here really means "royal."  There are also
some names ending in -da, "child" though the names are retained by adults e.g.
Pitibada, literally hot porince, more exactly hot-high-man-child, really
meaning "son of the souithern consort"

John Leland

John Leland