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OT Thanksgiving and Christmas was Re: Thoughts on Tarsyanian verbs

From:tomhchappell <tomhchappell@...>
Date:Monday, October 3, 2005, 23:34
--- In, Carsten Becker <naranoieati@B...> wrote:
> Well, I guess you're right. Someone else from the list sent me a side-
> offlist and explained me why they are having Thanksgiving in Northern > America. The motivation is similar (thanking God for food), but the
> "Erntedankfest" at says that both "versions" of this > holiday are not directly related. So we did not "import" the US'
> > C.
[Thanks-Giving Holidays] I guess the answer is, Only the U.S.A. and Canada have *Annual*, *National*, Days of Thanks-Giving. Apparently other countries do have "church-days" (as Carsten says). Tom Wier, I think it is, points out that the U.S.A. didn't have a national, annual day of Thanks-Giving until President Abraham Lincoln started the custom in 1863 of proclaiming the last Thursday in every November to be a National Day of Thanks-Giving. Technically speaking, Thanks-Giving Day was "whenever the President said it was", although the custom of "the last Thursday in November" became entrenched until Franklin Roosevelt's administration. In order to stimulate the recovering-from-the-Great-Depression economy with an extra week of Christmas shopping, President Franklin D. Roosevelt decided to proclaim the National Day of Thanks-Giving on the second-from-last (or perhaps third?) Thursday in November. This incensed many people, who derided it as "Frank's-Giving". A compromise was approved by both houses of Congress in 1942; Thanks-Giving Day was set at the 4th Thursday in November. Thus it would not be unreasonably early the 5 years out of 7 that November had only 4 Thursdays, nor would the Christmas shopping season be unreasonably short the remaining 2 years out of 7 that November had 5 Thursdays (i.e. Thanks-Giving Day never falls on the 29th nor 30th of November any-more). I do not know why Canada has a National Day of Thanks-Giving; nor why no other country in the Western hemisphere has one; nor why no English-speaking former colony of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland outside of the Western Hemisphere has one. [AMERICAN CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS] American Christmas customs come from nearly every country that American immigrants have come from. The Christmas tree came from Germany. The Christmas balls in the tree came from the Medieval morality-plays' idea of the Tree-of-Life:-- a tree that was always green and produced fruit all year. They would tie apples in an evergreen to give the idea. The lights in the tree supposedly came from an idea of Martin Luther's. He was riding home one night and was struck by how beautiful the stars looked as he saw them twinkling through the branches of the trees. When he got home he put candles in the trees near his house to show his children what it looked like. (Or so "they" say.) Santa Claus came from the Dutch. -------- Tom H.C. in MI


Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>