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Re: Triggeriness ...

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Saturday, December 13, 2003, 2:45
Quoting Roger Mills <romilly@...>:

> Andreas Johansson wrote: > > If there's > > some bizarre language where all verbs are transitive, I can't see how you > > could classify it as acc or erg. > > What a fascinating idea. Completely counter-Real- World-as-We-Know-It. How > would it express such concepts as: > --He died. (?[unknown S] killed him) > --That glass is broken. (?[unknown S] broke it) > --I'm cold. (?cold [affects] me) > --The soup is cold. (???) > Seems to me you'd have very frequent [unknown subject].......:-) > Would it class "be" and "become" as transitive? After all, they do take > "objects" (and lots of Americans don't see any difference between "I saw a > doctor" and "I became a doctor" :-((( ) > > Have you tried to devise such a language?
Nope. I don't think the concept had ever entered my head before I wrote the above reply. It's been added to the mental bits box, however. (In case the concept of a 'bits box' is not familiar, it refers to a box containing bits left over from model-building projects et sim that one are keeping because they might turn out to be useful in future projects.) Andreas