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Re: Triggeriness ...

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Saturday, December 13, 2003, 2:45
> > > Have you ever dipped into Filmore's "case grammar"-- ("The Case for >Case" is > > > often anthologized, may even be online.) I found it a welcome >alternative > > > to Chomskyism, even though it never developed very far. > > > > No. Believe it or not, but I'm not the sort of person who reads linguistic > > literature on a regular basis. Might look for it some day, tho. > > >You really should. Fillmore (correct spelling); it's quite interesting and >he writes clearly, unlike Chomsky and crew, at least IIRC..... And in talks, >sometimes his example sentences could bring down the house-- e.g "I'm sorry >I broke your wolf" and "I'm sorry I broke your handkerchief". (Well, in >context they were funny.......) If by chance it's not on line, or in a >library, I could send you a xerox of it (though it's longish, 88 pages, >maybe 44 legal-size xerox pages) > >You can find it in: Emmon Bach & Robert Harms, eds., >"Universals in Linguistic Theory", New York, Holt 1968 >(Also contains important papers by McCawley and Kiparsky)
Thank you for the reference, Roger. I just bought one (used - it's hopelessly out of print) from as soon as I read your message. The vendor should be popping it in the mail in a couple of days here, and it will arrive on my doorstep whenever the holiday rush allows it to. If anyone else wants one, there are still two copies left at Amazon. Isidora