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Re: Whatever happened to Cosseran?

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Thursday, November 9, 2000, 21:26
Barry Garcia á escreit:

> CONLANG@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU writes: > >In the recent spate of Romance-Conlanging, I decided to dust off my own > >one, > >Cosseran. Originally based on Cossyra (tiny island in the Mediterranean), > >it > >has now migrated to the Massif Central. Cosseran has always been quite > >Occitan, so I went the whole hog and now it has found a home in Ill > >Bethisad > >(Brithenig Universe)- subject to ratification by the powers that be. > > > Oooh, neat-o :). Looks like Montreiano cant be in Ill Bethisad, but maybe > it can make visits every so often? :). I like what i've seen of Occitan, > and from what I saw, i like what i see in Cosseran
A cultural exchange between Montrei and Arveuna!
> > ObConlangWorld... > > For the Montreianos: My short history (a longer one was posted on > conculture), things developed similarly for the Montreianos as for us in > our world. However, Spain always saw Alta California as not important and > something of a wasteland, so they allowed Montreianos to settle the land.
Where in Europe do they come from? The Montreianos, I mean.
> The Montreianos treated the Indians MUCH more kindly than the Spanish did > to the Indians in our time, so, they gained some allies that way.When the > Spanish/American war happened, Spain couldnt administer Alta California, > and eventually it became a part of Mexico. The Montreianos saw this as a > chance to revolt, and after some fighting, signed a treaty with the > Mexicans establishing their current boundaries (in their time, Mexico > never lost the lands they did in our time, so it was considered a small > price to pay to keep the Montreianos happy) > > > >Republic of Arveuna > >area: 23 439 square kilometers > >population: c. 1 709 790 > >capital: Loisac > >major products: wheat, wine, cheese, electronics > >flag: a black cross on a yellow background (i.e. the English one but with > >yellow instead of white and black instead of red) > > > How does one calculate the area of a country? I wouldn't even know where > to start for Montrei
I have no idea. Ask a geographer. I just added up the areas of the French départements *here* which are Arveuna *there*. Dan ----------------------------------------------------------- cuebra um deroát a zi sem, Break a piece of wood and I am there, cuoca um perro tu me meitera Dan Jones Lift a rock and you will find me