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Re: Conlang Change and The Definite Article

From:Tim Smith <timsmith@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 18:10
At 07:27 PM 4/22/2000 -0700, Barry Garcia wrote:
> writes: >>I didn't know that there was a connection between VSO word order and the >>use >>of definite articles. How many VSO languages have you studied? >>Approximately how many VSO languages are there all told? Are you sure >>that >>there is a VSO-definite article connection in natural languages? > >Interesting. Tagalog prefers VSO, and there are no articles (trigger >markers). I put articles in Saalangal only because I like them. Anyway.....
Also, Jacaltec (a Mayan language) is VSO and doesn't have articles. (It does have classifiers that behave like articles in some ways, but they don't mark definiteness; they're used with both definite and indefinite noun phrases.) I think this is true of the Mayan languages in general, but I'm not sure. - Tim