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Re: Conlang Change and The Definite Article

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, April 23, 2000, 3:00
>>I believe that I would be one of the people that Sally is referring to. >I >>rarely make gradual changes, but seem to overhaul things quite suddenly >and >>quite drastically. It seems that it tends to happen at least once a year >>(although this year there's been at least three kind of major changing >>sessions), and it seems to be a sort of necessary part of my conlanging >>experience, i.e. there seems to be some uncontrollable aspect to it. Do >>others of you experience the same sort of thing? How often do you change >>your conlang(s)? Are you in the slow process-camp or the overnight-camp?
I tend to not like to make drastic sudden changes. So I tend to gradually add them in. The most recent change was the addition of articles along with trigger markers in Saalangal, but only because i like them. As with my scripts, I dont usually like to do major overhauls there, but I did it for the Saalangal script because it was supposed to be naturalistic (I do like the changes though). ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.