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Re: OT: Fires in California

From:Leo Moser <via_acadon@...>
Date:Friday, October 26, 2007, 15:56
 To Rick (and Conlang) from Leo Moser I greatly agree, but there should also be
variety in the formatin which data is saved. Some system that would not be
affected by magnetic etc. forces should IMO be available. This is a vulnerable
world. (I once wrote a book called Technology Trap; Survival in a Man-made
Environment.)Incidently, my son Robert lives in San Diego and was going to move
out in Ramona, put a deposit on a place with a large fenced area for his
several dogs. He put a deposit on itjust the day the fires started, was caught
in road blocks getting back to S.D. No problem where he was there, beyondBAD
smoke. But fire came very near the place in Ramona, burned down the fences, but
not the house. Regards, LeoLeo J. MoserSent On Thu
10/25, Rick Harrison &lt; rick@HARRISON.NET &gt; wrote:From: Rick Harrison
[mailto: rick@HARRISON.NET]To: CONLANG@listserv.brown.eduDate: Thu, 25 Oct 2007
20:35:08 -0400Subject: Re:
OT: Fires in CaliforniaThe fires in California hint at why it is a _good_ thing
that conlang wikis and webpages are scattered and decentralized. When data is
gathered in one place it is vulnerable to fire, flood, earthquake, hacking,
nuclear attack, and so forth. The more decentralized and autonomous (we and)
our web resources are, the stronger we are.

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