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Re: Gold Sword and Red Crystal the Text for translators

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, July 31, 2000, 19:04
>Gold-Sword and Red-Crystal > >This happened during the days of Fire-Heart. There was an honorable
>who was named Gold-Sword. Fire-Heart called on the bravery of Gold-Sword
>destroy the Dragon who ravaged the country. The courage of Gold-Sword was >true to his reputation. He left with his greatsword, Fire-Tongue, and wore >his sturdy armor. He gathered up food for the journey, and he rode his >horse, Red-Moon. He rode Red-Moon for thirty days and thirty nights. He >arrived at the Needle-Mountains, and searched for ten days to find the lair >of the Dragon. He met the Dragon in battle. After two days in battle, the >Dragon and Gold-Sword grew tired. They fell to the ground, and were >exhausted. The Dragon spoke these words. My name is Red-Crystal. You are >an opponent like no other. Never have I been wasted like this. I must stay >here to live. It is my only home. I will stop attacking your people. But
>must feed. I do not know what to do. I must eat soon, but I am too wasted >to move. Gold-Sword honored his opponent. He spoke to the Dragon. You
>my match. Never have I fought for two days. I understand your reasons now >and I see an end to both of our problems. My people will feed you, and you >will protect them from their enemies across the mountains. Is this >agreeable? The Dragon agreed, and the new friends slept for a day. When >they woke, they traveled to the nearest shepherd. Gold-Sword explained >Red-Crystal's problems to the shepherd. The shepherd left to gather up
>from his people, to feed Red-Crystal. For centuries Red-Crystal has >protected these lands of Fire-Heart. Speech and understanding had won when >weapons could not.
The Kash version. Challenging for a number of reasons: lots of new vocabulary, especially as relates to war/battle, which the Kash have not indulged in for at least 2000 years; though in ancient times there was a tradition of personal combat. And note that Sowandrula _walks_ to his encounter-- there have never been rideable animals. A story like this would no longer be very current; perhaps found in a dusty tome, collected from an aged Court Entertainer centuries ago. Thus it's in a rather archaic style........(the moral, however, is very much a Kash sentiment) Sowandrula i Shoka-shisu Sosikri anjurami: acal tash, na, yuka-yukandri lerosh cosa, ri amar Yula-Hushayi. Yalesa kandenar shurakale, arañi Sowandrula. I yalesa Ashakon re yacosa-cosa yamace-mace raka ri shombalan Yula-Hushayi. Yula-Husha yawuhima andishur Sowandrulayi wara ruñohan Ashakon iyan, ombi carekañu Sowandrulayi yakakaya, yakuwa tombarini. Ende yatundrusa sowandiwekni, anañi Lukusha, yalimbesa payo rakani, yawolusa andacewa, yakasisa yafareksa. Sipola lero, sipola ondre yaharan, yarata ri susurañe re milepes E Ñushup. Titanju mepola lero lawi yaminja, lulusni yatromat yumburi Ashakoni. Ende Ashakon ine yamepusa tenar, lerowi ro tenandri, i Ashakon i Sowandrula niya iyupori, cakapori, cakrecek. Ende yakotasa Ashakon iya, kotani: Arambi Shoka-shisu. Hat prakamundrukmi, hat talorana yuno liyaye re talunda yan mende mamundruk. Talunda sambat me cakapori. Ritan macayi mayeshen, ritan makayi, ritan eshembi, tayu memesa mami. Ena, marundindito mamepu honderesh ri tungareti. Mowa macayi manahan, i ta makaya kar mepu, ombi mora anjuni nahambi, mowa sambat me cakapori, ta pole makoram. Ende kamundrukeni Sowandrula yawelesa shura, ne yashindisa, kotani: Hat prakuwami. Talunda lerowi ro mende mamepu tenar. Mowa me cakatanjañ omoshiti, kunak matikas andulusni kracal tayu loromim: kendi tungambri te iweleto andahan, kendi nin halolando ri trañembalimim re iyeshen ri andopra surañ. Poleka miyumeloka ritan? Ende yayumelosa Ashakon iya, i sheluñi, yuno lerowi mesa ishirusa nila, ro kambra welu. I anju iyutakuk, icosa iminja kanjifesilan i pratishalan re imora-mora. Nile Sowandrula yarungaya kracal Shoka-shisuwi. Kanjifesila icosa iwolu kulumbikilan puna, pratishala icosa ishohi kulurakalan añange, yuno nin ifilan Shoka-shisuwe andahañi. Ende sañ yale, pehan rongo-rongo liwengi, mende yalolan Shoka-shisu shombalan Yula-Husayi. Ombi kundrini, acindi, andanjañ ipokenda anju ambakran, tenar ta powumit. (Interlinear will follow)