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Re: The Melting

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Sunday, May 25, 2003, 22:07
Robert B Wilson wrote:

>the same thing happens to me, except with gray-green or gray-blue... >i've thought it might have something to do with lighting, but i've tested >that idea. i just looked in a mirror and my eyes look like a sort of >gray-green with really small brown spots... i've never noticed those >before... > >
I just had a look at my eyes and it seems that they're dark blue on the rim (very thin and not especially noticeable, and I've never heard anyone call my eyes blue), then green till about the middle when they go hazel. I guess whether you call them green or hazel depends on whether you look at the outside or the inside :) Though maybe the divosor can move or something, one check does not make anything I can draw conclusions from :) -- Tristan <kesuari@...>