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Re: The Melting

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 1:04
On Sat, 24 May 2003 14:58:17 -0400, Sally Caves <scaves@...>

>things. I might even have to go nomail. This week I've worked on filling >out a long taxonomy of words for things of this world. Amazing how many >gaps there are still. My problem is in the hand placing of every item. If >it goes in Teonaht English, then it must go in English Teonaht, something I >have only really started this week. If it goes in either, then it must also >go in the Taxonomical list, a project I started last year that lists things >and notions--Hildegard style--in ordered groups starting with the body, the >household, the garden, the city, the law, medicine, the arts, etc. It's >gotten out of hand. :) Maybe I'll put it up when it's more filled out. [How >may other people do this?]
I've used organized vocabulary lists in a few of my languages, including Lindiga and Tirelat. Nothing like a complete taxonomy, but I try to put related words together. In the organized lists, I include both Lindiga-English and English-Lindiga entries. I use vertical bars to delimit Lindiga words and periods around the English word entries. Then all I need to do is sort a copy of the list and I have instant English-Lindiga and Lindiga-English sections. Here's a recent example (pronunciations omitted). |louvi| adj beautiful, elegant, graceful. ant. |øchni|. (cf. |fyzgi|, |kierzi|, |noeri|) .beautiful. adj |louvi|. .elegant. adj |louvi|. .graceful. adj |louvi|. |øchni| adj ungainly, inelegant, ugly. ant. |louvi|. (cf. |ndoumi|, |zylegi|, |borsi|) .ungainly. adj |øchni|. .inelegant. adj |øchni|. |kierzi| adj pretty, attractive, appealing. ant. |zylegi|. (cf. |louvi|, |noeri|) .pretty. adj (attractive) |kierzi|, (delightful) |nimi|. .attractive. adj |kierzi|. .appealing. adj |kierzi|. |zylegi| adj hideous, repulsive, revolting. ant. |kierzi|. (cf. |øchni|, |borsi|) .hideous. adj |zylegi|. .repulsive. adj (hideous) |zylegi|. When English words have more than one Lindiga equivalent, I only list them in one place (which is why the English entries for "ugly" and "revolting" are missing here, and why two translations are given for "pretty"). Eventually I'd like to have example sentences, but just putting the vocabulary together is a full-time job. -- languages of Azir------> ---<>--- hmiller (Herman Miller) "If all Printers were determin'd not to print any email password: thing till they were sure it would offend no body, \ "Subject: teamouse" / there would be very little printed." -Ben Franklin